Some things to consider are cost, efficiency, how easy it is to transport and how much noise it makes. It is important to choose one that will meet your specific needs. If you do need to leave your baby because you are returning to work or school, a good pump will be needed.

Your ability to pump well will depend on matching your specific needs to the best pumping system that meets those needs. They type of breast pump you need depends very much on your situation. Keep your baby near you at night, so that you may nurse easily and get as much sleep as possible. If this happens, you may find you need to pump less when you are away from your baby. This means that your baby will sleep more while you away and breastfeed more when you are together. Some babies develop a pattern known as “reverse cycle breastfeeding.” (Gale Pryor / Nursing Mother, Working Mother). Some employers have onsite child care and this could allow you to take your breaks with your baby. If it is possible for you to go home at lunch, or have someone meet you on your break with your baby, you can breastfeed instead of pump. Is there any way to decrease the number of times I have to pump at work? Prolactin, which is an important hormone for making milk, becomes very elevated when mothers double pump. Double pumping also provides very strong stimulation to keep a good milk supply. It may take about 15 minutes to pump both breasts instead of 30 minutes or more to pump each breast separately. Using a pump that can express milk from both breasts at the same time will save the most time. She would nurse her baby when she returned home. Most mothers find that pumping every 2-3 hours maintains their milk supply and does not cause them to become uncomfortably full.įor example, if a mother worked an 8 hour work day, she would nurse her child before coming to work, then pump mid-morning, at lunchtime and then mid-afternoon. This may not be possible with your work/ school schedule. Ideally, you would pump as often as your baby would nurse. How long you are apart from you baby influences this decision. How often will I have to pump when I go back to work or school (college)? It is important to know that you can still provide milk for your child when you are away and you can maintain your breastfeeding relationship. There are times when mothers are separated from their child for work or for school.
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